Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet

I knew it would happen eventually, we have lived here over a year now and sooner or later this state is bound to have an earthquake and fall into the ocean, right?
The girls experienced their first ground shaking earthquake, too bad Jason was out of town to feel a real quake.  It's epicenter was about 15 miles from our house, so we got a good rumble.
It remeimded me of the 1987 quake, but didn't last as long. Addie was, as she put it, "freaked out."  She thought a car was crashing into the house.  Elli said she felt like she was in a snow globe that was being shaken.  Amelia didn't say anything because she is a little behind in speech, and words like earthquake and magnitude and structural damage are not in her vocabulary.
Here are our pictures for the insurance company of our vast damage.  (If we have earthquake insurance, which I am not really sure about.)

What you are looking at here is a book, a frame, and a wooden flower thrown from Amelia's changing table, unbelievable!
And here are 3 wooden letters and a candle, not quite thrown, more like tumbled.  Are you as speechless as I am?
And the last evidence of damage is a fallen bottle of generic Pledge, if I hadn't been so cheap and bought generic, the real Pledge probably would have been able to withstand the 5.4 tremor.
Live and learn.
(This is how the bookshelf is supposed to look, which now that I look at it, a little cluttered I think.  Maybe this earthquake was a good thing, making me step back and re-evaluate things, you know?)

1 comment:


I am glad everyone is ok. Earthquakes can be cool and can be scary. We have felt a few in the last year and last time Gavin had watched a documentary on Volcanoes and he woke up screaming, "Is there Hot Lava MOM!?" It was sweet and a little nerve racking. We are going private so if you want access to our blog let me have your email so I can enter it in! Take care-Loralee