Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Much Better

I must admit, I have been struggling the past 8 months to be a supportive wife.  Jason got tired of having the same haircut/style for 10 years.  His hairstyle when we got married my brothers affectionately called the "Zach Morris" and lucky for Jason all our wedding pictures have his blonde bangs blowing in the wind reminding us that we are old enough to have "dated" pictures, ouch!  It was within a few months that he cut it short and had stuck with it, until late last year when he started growing it out.  He gave a variety of reason for his decision, was he:
waiting for the housing market to recover to cut it, somehow willing a recovery the way a bowler leans to the right willing the ball to veer?
trying to look younger like those shaggy hair kids these days are wearing?
trying to look older, like Gordon Gecko from Wall Street?
seeing just how much I meant our wedding vows "for better or worse"?
just seeing what he looked like with long hair?
I did the best I could by biting my tongue, remembering if you don't have anything nice to say, yada, yada, yada.  His dad walked right past him in the airport when they met up last month, then upon realizing who the new Jason was, greeted him with a "We need to get you a haircut."
Jason decided last week the time had come, his longer hair took too much time and effort.  This experiment taught us a curious family trait.  My babies have all grown their hair in the back quicker than their hair up top thus displaying the very popular and desirable "mullet".  We now know they get this from their dad, who had this same growth pattern, very interesting!
after - aahh, isn't he cute :)


Amanda Weir said...

I would have to say....MUCH BETTER!

AnnieB said...

It's about time!